Real Estate Exam Prep (Click Here)

Real Estate Exam Prep (Click Here)
Real Estate Exam Prep (Click Here)

Back To Basics (Your Daily 10-4)

This video is about Back To Basics (Your Daily 10-4)

New Agent Advice from 12 Top Real Estate Agents

12 top real estate agents share their words of advice to new agents. These 12 top agents averaged 373 homes sold per year with an average sales volume of $54 million. Each agent answers the question, "If you were to advise a brand new agent just getting into the business, what would you tell them to do first?" This advice could prove more valuable than improper real estate training or real estate coaching.

eEdge: Market Leader App

Learn how to connect your eEdge CRM with your Market Leader App so you can have your business at your fingertips anywhere you are. What was once a paid app is now free to you as a Market Leader (KW eEdge account) user.

My Big 3 KW Websites - eEdge, eAgentC and White Pages

KW Agents - Confused about the purpose of having the white pages, eEdge and eAgenc websites? Not sure how each should be used? Not sure how the mobile app ties into all of this? Watch this video and no more confusion!